// Class definition var KTChartsWidgetTopStocks = function () { var chart = { self: null, rendered: false }; // Private methods var initChart = function(chart) { var element = document.getElementById("kt_charts_widget_top_stocks"); if (!element) { return; } var labelColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-800'); var borderColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-border-dashed-color'); var maxValue = 18; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Sessions', data:
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bool(false) }], chart: { fontFamily: 'inherit', type: 'bar', height: 350, toolbar: { show: false } }, plotOptions: { bar: { borderRadius: 8, horizontal: true, distributed: true, barHeight: 50, dataLabels: { position: 'bottom' // use 'bottom' for left and 'top' for right align(textAnchor) } } }, dataLabels: { // Docs: https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/datalabels/ enabled: true, textAnchor: 'start', offsetX: 0, formatter: function (val, opts) { var val = val * 1000; var Format = wNumb({ //prefix: '$', //suffix: ',-', thousand: ',' }); return Format.to(val); }, style: { fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: '600', align: 'left', } }, legend: { show: false }, colors: ['#3E97FF', '#F1416C', '#50CD89', '#FFC700', '#7239EA'], xaxis: { categories: ["USA", "India", 'Canada', 'Brasil', 'France'], labels: { formatter: function (val) { return val + "K" }, style: { colors: labelColor, fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: '600', align: 'left' } }, axisBorder: { show: false } }, yaxis: { labels: { formatter: function (val, opt) { if (Number.isInteger(val)) { var percentage = parseInt(val * 100 / maxValue) . toString(); return val + ' - ' + percentage + '%'; } else { return val; } }, style: { colors: labelColor, fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: '600' }, offsetY: 2, align: 'left' } }, grid: { borderColor: borderColor, xaxis: { lines: { show: true } }, yaxis: { lines: { show: false } }, strokeDashArray: 4 }, tooltip: { style: { fontSize: '12px' }, y: { formatter: function (val) { return val; } } } }; chart.self = new ApexCharts(element, options); // Set timeout to properly get the parent elements width setTimeout(function() { chart.self.render(); chart.rendered = true; }, 200); } // Public methods return { init: function () { initChart(chart); // Update chart on theme mode change KTThemeMode.on("kt.thememode.change", function() { if (chart.rendered) { chart.self.destroy(); } initChart(chart); }); } } }(); KTUtil.onDOMContentLoaded(function() { KTChartsWidgetTopStocks.init(); });